(239) 313-1661 captainant@h2ooffshoreadventures.com

Lee County Reef Map

Lee County Reef Map

The following picture lists the locations of all public Lee County Artificial Reefs.  Want to dive one?  Just pick a date from our schedule of available dive dates and let us know which site you’d like to dive! In the summer months, we recommend going offshore as far as your certification will allow you due to water clarity.  The further offshore you go, the clearer (more viz).  ARC Reef is approximately 60 feet deep and is very suitable for Open Water divers, while Charlie’s Reef is approaching 90 feet deep and suitable for Advanced or higher certifications.  In the winter months, we’ve seen clear water as close as Pace’s Place which is approximately 30 feet deep.  Please call for a more in-depth explanation of what each dive site has so that our staff can best match your dive expectations and certification level with a suitable dive site.